Tuesday, November 15, 2005

cultural crash course

Hanging with Rita at the end of a long day. Roy Miki, Glen Lowry, Rita Wong and I spent most of it with Wenchi Lin, organizer and professor extraodinaire at National Central University. We were treated to a compelling media tour of Taiwan (details in my next post)and lunch at a local Hakka restaurant. (My great grandmother was Hakka, from a village in Happy Valley, Hong Kong, where the race track is now.) We spent most of the afternoon talking about how to structure a website that would make the work of Canadian authors available to Taiwan instructors and students. Wenchi, with the help of engineers at National Central has designed a pretty handy bit of software to explicate all kinds of cultural texts for students. We also talked about the possibility of an online course that would include both Canadian and Taiwanese instructors and students.

You will notice I got a photo up, of three fellow travellers in Sumeeta Chandavarkar's office at the CTOT. Yay!

Lots of good discussion today. But the jetlag has got me. More soon.


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